Runes n Roses
Born out of dreams
My journey with the runes started…
when I had three clear dreams in which I was given a set of runes. At the time I was a stranger to the runes as an oracle or script,but something deep within me stirred, and I took these dream messages as a sign I should start working with them. I created my own rune set and have journeyed with each rune to understand its meaning. I’ve descended through the Uthark runic labyrinth to the Well of Urd and back up and assisted in calling in the goddess Freyja in a High Seat Ceremony. I explore the world of Norse mythology, alongside an immersion in Celtic myth and story, folktales from these lands and others that claim me. I offer rune and rose card readings with ritual and ceremony. I occasionally run guided small group tours of the ancient landscapes of the South Downs to connect with the stories these whale backed hills keep close.
I am a dancer, a writer and storyteller, poet, and performer. I am a Death Doula in training. As a family historian, I work to heal ancestral storylines that hold past traumas. Above all, I am a dreamer. My roots dig deep across far ranging landscapes, from the South Downs to Dartmoor, from Glasgow to Iona, from Cornwall to Ireland, through to Oslo and my Scandinavian heritage, and so much in between. I have traced branches of my lineage back to the Norman Vikings, and the old Kings and Queens of Ireland and Scotland. The runes are my natural, intuitive oracle. Let them work through me with you.
Serena Constance
Rune Reader, Brighton and Hove, UK